When treating the acneic client, successful results come from a combination of a consistent homecare routine and professional treatments that are tailored to their acneic problems. 
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Sanitation and infection control are some of the first things we learn in beauty school, and for good reason! It is crucial to have an understanding of the different kinds of infections you may come across, in order to protect yourself and the client. 
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Not many people know this, but I have spent 8 years out of my 24 years of industry experience as a spa receptionist. I know exactly what it takes to select a great receptionist, and will give you some pointers on what to look for as you go through the interview process.
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In 1981, the FDA approved bovine collagen for cosmetic injection. Since its approval, dozens of injectable fillers have been developed and approved for cosmetic use. 
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Not all skin is the same and not every product is universal. Aestheticians see clients with a variety of concerns, including acne, hyperpigmentation, dryness, wrinkles, and sensitivity. Which exfoliators are a must in the treatment room and how can professionals determine the most effective treatment protocol for clients?
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Join me for an informative webinar that will introduce modes of generating income and staying in touch with clients during this difficult time. This webinar will discuss how to calculate GPM – if you do not know it already. We will then dive into designing your spa to be a retail oasis, so you will be able to open your doors and bring in that much needed income. 
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Fifteen years ago, before invasive procedures and fillers in twenty-somethings were normalized by influencers, Botox was considered taboo. Today, in an effort to obtain perfectly chiseled facial features and flawless skin, more twenty-somethings than ever are opting for beauty shots. 
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